a johnny meaning in English
When you shit and turds come flying out of your ass faster than a Nolan Ryan fast ball it hits the back of the john(ha-ha) and explodes into pieces flipping pieces of johnny turd back on your own ass
> Don't hold it too long Mikey, you might end up pulling a johnny.
- will smith or a johnny depp gets an upfront $ 20m, and then 20 % of gross receipts when a film brings in more than $ 100m
像威尔?史密斯和强尼?戴普这样的演员片酬高达2000万美元,除此之外,如果票房超过1亿,还要从中抽头20%。 - a will smith or a johnny depp gets an upfront $ 20m, and then 20 % of gross receipts when a film brings in more than $ 100m